About Us
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Empowered Women
Private & Semi-Private Lessons
No-Gi Custom Training Apparel by Zenko
Uniforms - Equipment - Apparel
Studio Events
Moorpark Community Support
Empowered Women
Private & Semi-Private Lessons
About Us
No-Gi Custom Training Apparel by Zenko
Uniforms - Equipment - Apparel
Studio Events
Moorpark Community Support
Refer A Friend
(805) 437-4877
Student name
First Name
Last Name
Reason for cancellation?
Check all that apply (if choosing "OTHER" please tell us more in the field below)
Schedule conflict
Financial conflict
Not satisfied with quality of program
Motivation / Goal setting issue
Moving out of area
Reached my goal and wish to pursue other activities
If you chose "OTHER" above, please tell us more about why you're cancelling your membership. Otherwise, write "N/A".
Did you consider our "Reservation Rate" option which allows you to keep your discounted rate and roster space secure during your break?
Were you able to address all concerns with the studio manager?
What is your proposed return date?
Less than 2 months
2 - 4 months
4 - 8 months
Not sure
I am not planning on returning
If you would like to refer someone to take over your program allowing you to avoid any cancellation fees while introducing someone new to the life-changing benefits of martial arts, please complete the below information. If they enroll within the next 30 days then your membership will be closed out with no further obligation. Thank you!
First Name
Last Name
Your referral's phone number
Referral legal guardian's name
(if under age 18)
First Name
Last Name
By checking here you agree to the terms outlined below:
This form shall serve as my official 30-day advanced written notification required to cancel my student membership agreement. I understand that my program will be cancelled only when my outstanding balance has been paid in full, which may include but isn’t limited to, past due tuition, cancellation fees, tuition discounts, enrollment discounts, apparel purchases, and special event attendance. Early termination fees are calculated based on the month-to-month membership retail rate plus reimbursement of the monthly discount received for each month completed in my program. I also understand that after cancelling my program I may not be eligible to re-enroll with the same terms and conditions due to promotional rates ending, price increases, class schedule changes, classes at full capacity, or other and that I may be subject to a re-enrollment fee upon my return. I agree to settle my account to a $0 (zero dollar) balance immediately upon submitting this form if applicable. Upon completing this notification, I realize my credit card on file will be charged automatically the full amount owed. If my card is declined upon the first attempt to reconcile my account there will be additional attempts to reconcile my balance by charging my card at least 50% (fifty-percent) of the balance owed, followed by the remaining 50% (fifty-percent) within 7 (seven) days with no prior schedule or notification required. I further understand that I will be liable for late fees and/or other related procedural expenses such as legal and/or third-party collections should I default on this agreement. If there are special circumstances or concerns that affect this agreement I agree to address them with the studio manager immediately. By entering my name below I swear that I am the responsible party of the membership agreement being requested for cancellation and accept full responsibility of this agreement.
Responsible party name
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!