Champion Children Test Preparation
PRIORITIZE YOUR ATTENDANCE TO THE TEST! Your child has worked hard to earn this opportunity. Prioritize this day and follow through. Testing is a very special earned opportunity not to be taken for granted. If it conflicts with other activities that day then cancel your other activities. This will help your child understand the importance and value of their training and will promote consistency and long-term thinking in their goal to achieve Black Belt or anything else in life. If testing falls on the same day as a seasonal sports game or something similar, come to your test. Tests are only every 3 - 4 months. The test is our version of the game, but after roughly three months of practice. Would you want to miss an important game after three months of preparation? We do not plan make-up tests for various reasons:
Testing is best experiences as a group / team event. To achieve something along side your peers creates a more positive impact…
We realize sports games might be on the same day and time. Choose martial arts. Your belt test is roughly every 3 - 4 months. Games are weekly. Think of the test like you do a sports game. Would you want to practice for 3 months and not show up to the game?
Studio events are planned at least 2 months in advance, so by the time a make-up could be scheduled it’s already close enough to the next test for students to wait…
In the past we’ve scheduled make-up tests in addition to the “main” test date. As human nature does, testing times became options versus make-ups, diluting the student experience and creating more logistics from our standpoint…
If two consecutive tests will be missed then private belt testing may be considered at the cost of a private lesson + cost of goods…
Test duration is never predictable. Even though we estimate test-length to be around 2 hours, we don’t always know how long the test will last since ultimately it’s up to the performance of the group as a whole. We do our best to stick to that time frame but large attendance and or poor performance can lengthen a test. If we cannot accomplish what’s required then the student(s) will be dismissed and invited to the next test (at no additional charge) assuming they maintain their test-ready skills. We do our best to ensure every student succeeds. We know parents and students appreciate our extended effort, a longer test, to ensure a positive result rather than the alternative.
The test is about effort and attitude. Students should give their best effort throughout the test with confidence. Mistakes are inevitable. Many people let mistakes distract them and ruin their experience. The test isn't about perfection. It's about the ability to stay focused and move forward with determination when a mistake is made or fatigue sets in. Perseverance will get your child to their goal!
Arrive about 15 minutes early to use the restroom, suit up, stretch, practice, and get focused. Late-comers will not be allowed to enter once the test begins.
Proper dress etiquette: White stripe requirements upon which students are graded include a clean and pressed full uniform with a proper colored and placed Level 3 patch along with a Level 3 T-shirt worn beneath the uniform. If your uniform is not up to Level 3 standards you may be required to purchase a new one before testing. Males should wear a groin protector and females, a chest protector. Gi sleeves must be rolled down. Your Gi pants should not be any longer than to cover the instep of your foot. Hem your pants if needed, rolled Gi pant legs are dangerous and not proper. No jewelry of any kind may be worn. Students with long hair must wear a pony-tail. As with any class students and uniforms should be well-groomed, healthy, and odorless.
Eat a healthy high-energy meal. Increase water intake the week of testing and bring a water bottle with to the test. Bring an electrolyte filled beverage (something like a Gatorade, Smart Water, etc...) for after-test replenishment. If needed bring any special medications along with instructions for application. The test is rigorous but we do take water breaks to ensure proper hydration and performance.
Don't forget these important items: Bottle of water, sparring gear, appropriate shoes and sunblock for potential outside training, medicines with applicators needed in case of emergency along with emergency contact information. If a child requires another person to administer medicine then the parent must be present throughout the entire test.
Never discuss testing with other students. Your experience will always be unique. Testing is not a spectator event. Full concentration and focus are required and can only be maintained when spectators are not present. Parents can be present for the final portion of the test which of course includes the promotion ceremony.
Your test fee will be charged automatically to your card on file during the week preceding test-day or on test-day. Your test fee covers the certificate, belt, and the time of the testing procedure. You must be an active member and your account must be in good-standing in order to attend testing. If you are unable to complete your test for any reason a new test will be scheduled at no additional charge.
If you're unable to complete your test you will be eligible to attend the next test at no additional charge, assuming the required skills and performance has not regressed. It is possible to fail a test. But instead of seeing that as negative, learn from it, make adjustments, continue moving forward, and try again.
Celebrate your child's accomplishment by bringing flowers, balloons, or anything else with which you wish to reward them.
We encourage photos in the Dojo with your new belt, family and friends once the test is complete. We usually post pictures and / or video clips at our LEVEL 3 FACEBOOK and Instagram @level3karate for you to share this wonderful achievement with your family and friends.
Click the button below for videos that demonstrate each stripe requirement so you can help prepare your child for their best performance!
When they’re proud of themselves they’ll encourage others to feel the same.