Little Leopard & Tiny Tiger Test Preparation


Congratulations on your achievement - your Skills are increasing!


Test-invites are typically awarded 3 weeks prior to the test. If your child has most or all of their stripes, has been consistent to class, and shows great attitude and self-control in class, then chances are they’ll be testing. You can also look on our STUDIO EVENTS calendar to see when the next test is scheduled (it can be subject to change - so check with your instructor).

Reflect on all the patience, consistency, commitment, focus, discipline, teamwork, and endurance it took to come this far, and that’s just from you parents! Now think about how your child showed all those traits PLUS had to perform the physical actions while adhering to instructions in a fast-paced environment. WOW, THEY’RE YOU’RE ALL AMAZING! We typically don’t offer make-up tests because:

  • Testing is best experiences as a group / team event. To achieve something along side your peers creates a more positive impact…

  • We realize sports games might be on the same day and time. Choose martial arts. Your belt test is roughly every 11-12 weeks, games are weekly. Think of the test like you do a sports game. Would you want to practice for 3 months and not show up to the game?

  • Studio events are planned at least 2 months in advance, so by the time a make-up could be scheduled it’s already close enough to the next test for students to wait…

  • In the past we’ve scheduled make-up tests in addition to the “main” test date. As human nature does, testing times became options versus make-ups, diluting the student experience and creating more logistics from our standpoint…

  • If two consecutive tests will be missed then private belt testing may be considered at the cost of a private lesson + cost of goods…

Test duration is approximately 1 hour. Parents should stay through the entire test because your participation may be requested. While you sit in the lobby please keep conversations as quiet as possible to help maximize the focus and effort of our students. If we’re unable to accomplish our goal due to lack of student performance then the student(s) will dismissed and invited to the next test at no additional charge.

Arrive at least 10-15 minutes early to ensure a calm on-time experience. The test begins promptly on time and late-comers may not enter once the test begins. Use the restroom at home to minimize test interruptions.

Dress etiquette: Full (Gi-top and Gi-pants) clean and odorless uniform with properly colored logo patch affixed, belt, and LEVEL 3 shirt are required for testing. It is unacceptable for a student's uniform to be stained, torn, improperly fitted. or partial. A new uniform will be required before testing if yours is not up to studio standards.

Important health & safety: Water bottle, medicine, or any medical device needed in case of emergency (i.e. inhaler). If a child requires administration of said items then parents must remain present. If your child exhibits any illness symptoms, COVID or otherwise, please do not attend the test.

Parents may sit in the Dojo during the rank promotion ceremony. We encourage photos in the Dojo during the rank promotion ceremony and immediately following the dismissal of the test with your new belt, family and friends. Often we post pictures and / or video clips at our LEVEL 3 FACEBOOK and Instagram @ level3karate for you to share this wonderful achievement with others. Please send us any photos you take or tag us in your photos posted on Facebook so we can share them on our studio's page.

Celebrate your child's accomplishment by bringing flowers, balloons, or anything else you think is a great show of celebration and happiness - rank graduation is a BIG DEAL!

Your test fee will be charged automatically to your card on file during the week preceding test-day or on test-day. Your test fee covers the certificate, belt, and the time of the testing procedure. You must be an active member and your account must be in good-standing in order to attend testing. If you are unable to complete your test for any reason you may attend the next test at no charge.

The week following the test is “Free-Week”. During this week we encourage all parents and buddies of our students to get involved during classes. This week is a time for students to enjoy different challenges, games, and activities usually not present during their skill stripe curriculum and is an ideal time to bring a friend and potentially earn referral rewards!


Click the age appropriate button below for videos that demonstrate each stripe requirement so you can help prepare your child for their best performance!

Develop the habits of focus and achievement early and it becomes part of them forever.

Develop the habits of focus and achievement early and it becomes part of them forever.