Welcome to Champion Children!
LEVEL 3 Martial Arts Performance offers a unique approach to martial arts fitness training that combines the ancient traditions of a time-proven skill with the modern day champion mindset you'd expect from high performance athletes. We define "champion" as an attitude, a behavior, a thought process - not just a person with a title or trophy. Our goal is to develop "everyday champions" who know that the only real competitor they're up against is them self. That's why our classes help equip you with a high-standard of skills you need to succeed, adapt to, and overcome life's challenges. Our instructors encourage each other to always maintain high standards in their own choices and training so we can rise up together. Our system is comprised of Kempo, Karate, and Jiu Jitsu which makes for an extremely well-rounded, simple, and effective self-defense method whether defending on your feet or from the ground. From your first class you'll notice our program is fun, challenging and safe and our clean and friendly studio environments are populated with a like-minded team that looks forward to welcoming you. Rise to a new level of personal performance.
Our goal is to provide your child with structure, encouragement, and positive reinforcement in order to produce proper behavior, good decision-making, and improved gross and fine motor skills. Our program focuses on eight age-specific skills sets: Self-defense, technique, coordination, fitness, focus, character, explosiveness, and concentration. Each sill appears on a regular basis throughout our class calendar to ensure the necessary repetition but is disguised in a variety of drills to keep training challenging and fun.
Group & Private Training
Consistent attendance is key to reaching your goals, so prioritize your training even on day's your child might not feel energetic or motivated. That's the easiest way to start strengthening that discipline muscle we all need! When your child is consistent from day-one then they will get in the groove right away, make friends, and feel that they’re an important part of our school. Students always go home feeling happier, less stressed, sleep better, and feel a sense of accomplishment motivating them to keep moving forward. The positive socialization our program provides is key to a healthy development for all of us. We cannot overstate the importance of starting strong and staying consistent!
Group classes consist of physical conditioning and stretching, skill building drills and Martial Arts / self defense techniques. Our classes are a positive social experience, plus training is just more fun and motivating when people with similar interests are along side you adding energy to our atmosphere. Learning how to work with and respect others help us learn more about ourselves and stay calm in challenging scenarios. Group classes are roughly 60-minutes in duration. This is the most productive amount of time that allows a student of this age group to learn, exercise, and enjoy their training without being overwhelming.
Private training allows us to personalize your experience and effectively deliver a custom-tailored curriculum to help you achieve your goals whether it be competition training, conditioning, flexibility, classical training, rank advancement or anything else. Private lessons are also an excellent for picking up techniques and principles that may not be covered until later in the class calendar, catching up on lessons you might have missed, or speciality training like tournament competition preparation or to specifically focus on just one martial arts element like striking or grappling. They are roughly 30 minutes in duration (60 minutes upon request) and are designed to refine your skills and / or provide additional help in troubled areas. If you cannot attend your private lesson for any reason a 24-hour advanced notice is required for a make-up lesson to be scheduled otherwise your lesson may be forfeited. “Private” lessons are valued-higher than “Semi-Private” lessons but do not include / allow other students. Semi-Private training allows you to be matched with partners of similar age, goals, and skill level to help you get the most from your martial arts training. Current monthly-tuition members enjoy discounts on private and semi-private training!
Members only - click here for our private YouTube playlist of over 6 months of previously taught classes. Perfect for extra training, family fun, or to use as a “make-up” class if you miss your in-person training.
Click the button below to download the student requirement chart for this age group.
Personal Progression & Goal Achieving
There are 3 things that you must remember to ensure you reach your goals - no matter what they are:
Come to class: Consistently on the same days every week. Your body and mind will adapt to that schedule and get you in a groove as well as keep you there. Come to class unconditionally - no matter how busy you are, how unmotivated you feel, or what else you might come up with in place of attending, just show up. You’ll always go home with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment!
Practice: Review your most recent principles learned, even just for 10 minutes during at least one or two off-training days. The reflection and attention you give to your most recent class helps the ideas stick for next time.
Don’t quit: This is very simple, but not always easy! If you quit you can’t learn. If you can’t learn you can’t improve. If you don’t improve you won’t reach your goals. It doesn’t matter how “slow” or “fast” you progress. The pace is FORWARD. We believe slower is faster and less is more. Taking things a step at a time doesnt always satisfy the instant gratification desire but it always results in a longer and more successful experience. Because progress and skill happen over time it can be hard to identify improvement in yourself. So trust your instructor to acknowledge your performance when the time is right. Make sure your expectations are real, readjust your goals as needed, and just keep going.
You’ll make great connections here, but its always nice to start off with a familiar face!
There are 8 skill sets that rotate through our weekly class schedule that each student will continuously develop as they advance in rank: self-defense, basics, speed, flexibility, sparring, character, concentration, and coordination.
IMPORTANT POINT: Students must earn all skill-stripes on their belt, as well as memorize martial arts techniques, before they are eligible to test for the next belt. When they are eligible they will be awarded a test invitation to join us for this exciting opportunity! The white stripe requires a form to be completed at each belt rank - click here for your STUDENT RESOURCE FILES (use password LEVEL3isthegoal) to download and print the required WHITE STRIPE form (you will also find a few other very helpful items to save as well). It’s best to hand in the White-stripe Character Evaluation Report 30-days in advance of the scheduled rank test (you can find it on our website studio event calendar) so there is time to make any needed scoring improvements.
The testing cycle for the first few belts is about 12 - 16 weeks per belt. As belt level increases so does the time between each belt rank. On average it takes about 100 days to journey through White Belt and promote to Yellow Belt. The first few stripes generally take the longest to earn at each belt level. But because the skill sets of each stripe are very closely related to one another you’ll notice the rest of the stripes tend to follow at a more equal pace. Progression is all dependent upon attendance and skill improvement of course. Sometimes it can take longer, and if it does, there’s no reason to be discouraged - you’re ready when you’re ready.
When it’s time for your Champion Children student to test for their next rank they will be awarded an official test-invitation.
If your child “ages out” before completing the Sukiru belt levels, they will join the next age group, and automatically be eligible to promote to their Kaishi-Yellow belt, which begins them officially into the Junior Martial Athletes (ages 11 - 14) adult-prep curriculum. When your child completes all the Sukiru belts they’ll graduate into the Junior Martial Athletes program where they’ll be evaluated and placed into the most appropriate belt-color and begin developing a whole new set of skills!
Belt-Rank Promotions
Rank testing is an exciting moment in our martial arts journey. When you’re invited to test prioritize this event. Make up tests rarely occur and tests are scheduled roughly only every four months. Testing requires student to prove their knowledge while maintaining focus and a positive attitude during physical challenges. We also aim to educate students about better ways to perform and what to look forward to in the next rank. Because progress and skill happen over time it can be hard to identify improvement in your own skill. However, tying a new colored belt around your waist is an easy way to help us realize our efforts are paying off. But remember, the color of the belt doesn’t make us “good”. Our focus and effort in every class is what gives value to the color of our belt. We want you to leave a test with two things: 1) a new belt; 2) more importantly, a sense of accomplishment knowing you deserve that belt. The following are taken into consideration before your instructor invites you to test:
Achievement of all skill-stripes.
Behavior: Discipline, self-control, positive attitude, contributes to class energy.
Skill: Using your level-specific movements properly while also showing improvement of balance, coordination, flexibility, strength, etc.
Knowledge: Memorization and complete performance of techniques to the air, pads, and on a partner.
Spirit: Focus and intensity behind movements.
Etiquette: Proper student image, attitude, and behavior.
Consistency: Attendance to the required classes.
Time at your current rank.
NOTE: Depending on when you enrolled within our current test cycle, you may be required to wait longer than the average time between belts to test for your first belt. BE PATIENT - FOCUS ON THE PROCESS, NOT THE BELT!
The Sukiru-belt color progression:
Level 1 (average 9 - 12 mos to complete): White Belt, Sukiru-Yellow Belt, Sukiru-Orange Belt
Level 2 (average 12 - 15 mos to complete): Purple Belt, Blue Belt, Green Belt
Level 3 (average 15 - 18 mos to complete): Brown Belt, Red Belt, Black Belt
It's important that students and parents understand that Sukiru-Black Belt is not an official certified Kempo Black Belt as our adults achieve. Also, it is not a reason to quit because your child has “finished” martial arts training - there’s no such thing. It signifies the completion of the Sukiru program and acts as a transitional / graduating rank that prepares your child to enter the Juniors Martial Athletes program (ages 11 - 14) where they will learn more mature concepts. A certified 1st-Degree Black Belt (Shodan) is only awarded after completing our level 1 & 2 adult curriculum.
Every martial arts program charges test fees. However, our studio does not rely on test fees as a key source of income, therefore we don’t push students through the ranks unfairly nor will a student be eligible for every test. Plus our test fees are an industry low. As rank level increases so does the time between belt-testing. Your test fee covers the cost of the belt, certificate, and instructional time. If your child is unable to successfully complete their test then their next test will be at no charge.
This is a HUGE moment for your entire family - DO NOT MISS YOUR TEST! Reflect on all the patience, consistency, commitment, focus, discipline, teamwork, and endurance it took to come this far, and that’s just from you the parents! Now think about how your child showed all those traits PLUS had to perform the physical actions while adhering to instructions in a fast-paced environment. WOW, THEY’RE YOU’RE AN AMAZING FAMILY! Prioritize your belt-test over all other activites - it will be worth it. We typically don’t offer make-up tests because:
Testing is an exciting group / team experience. To achieve something together with your peers all working toward the same goal with positive focused energy is a valuable lesson for individuals and makes the journey so much more enjoyable…
Studio events are planned at least 2 months in advance, so by the time a make-up could be scheduled its already close enough to the next test for students to wait.
In the past we’ve had scheduled make-up tests in addition to the “main” test date. As human nature does, testing times became options versus make-ups, creating another event to be scheduled…
Test-invites are typically awarded 3 weeks prior to the test. If your child has most or all of their stripes, has been consistent to class, and shows great attitude and self-control in class, then chances are they’ll be testing. You can also look on our STUDIO EVENTS calendar to see when the next test is scheduled (it can be subject to change - so check with your instructor)…
We realize sports games might be on the same day and time, but at the risk of sounding inconsiderate, choose martial arts. Your belt test is roughly every 11-12 weeks, games are weekly.
If two consecutive tests will be missed then private belt testing may be considered one time during their age-specific training program. Requirements: Private lesson pricing + cost of goods, a partner for technique application, and studio schedule availability.
What to expect from your child and your role as a parent - the below information can make or break your child’s success in any program.
There are 3 secrets to progressing in our system: Come to class, practice, and don’t quit! It's important for parents of this age group to be encouraging, supportive, and involved in their child’s Martial Arts journey. They need to know you're there for them when needed. Plus as a parent it's important you hear the philosophies we discuss in the classes so you can help reinforce them at home. Encourage your child to practice on a regularly scheduled basis - even for just a few minutes on the day(s) they don’t have class. Maybe even have them teach you what they've learned - CONNECT WITH THEM! It’s easy for this age group to experience “burnout” - DON’T OVERREACT AND QUIT WHEN IT HAPPENS - AND IT WILL HAPPEN! The problem is children this age don’t have the long-term vision or self-discipline to push through those feelings of demotivation, nor do the comprehend the real results of their decision. Frankly neither do most adults! To avoid making quitting a habit at this age you must communicate with your instructor as soon as you feel concerns. Your instructor is now part of the community that will instill positive habits into your child, but only if you communicate with them. Together we have an opportunity to work together to help your child problem solve and see past their temporary feeling which ultimately benefits them and increases the chances of success in all future endeavours.
ATTENTION: Not everyone who begins the Martial Arts makes it to Black Belt. That’s not surprising. What is surprising is how simple it can be to ensure long-term success in our program. Below are common factors preventing success and a solution for each!
Didn’t get involved the right way right away - prioritize training schedule and get here (illness excluded). Don’t tell yourself “Ill just go to the next class”. Its easy for the next two weeks to slip away. By that time you’ll be talking yourself out of training with every excuse in the book. Just show up.
Parents didn’t show involvement in their child’s development - believe it or not your child appreciates your interest plus it keeps them accountable to their effort. So relax in our lobby off your phone, listen to the instructor’s words your child’s hearing in class, and talk with your child on the ride to and from the Dojo - ask questions that require a thoughtful answer instead of just yes or no (i.e. What’s your favorite aspect of martial arts? What do you find most challenging? What do you do to get through that challenge? On a scale of 1 - 10 how much focus / effort / control / spirit did you bring to class today?).
Let other “things” get in the way - its okay to have other activities but also prioritize which to choose based on value. Why did you enroll your child - what need can we meet for you? Will other activities meet that need while also providing all the other benefits martial arts does? When you’re invited to a belt-test on the same day as a sports game - choose the test - games are weekly, tests are every four months and we don’t always offer make-ups. Balance is tough, but rewarding!
Parents didn’t realize the importance of consistency - most kids and adults do not have a high level of discipline naturally. Consistent involvement with anything trains the mind and body to accept the value and challenges of that activity. Sometimes it will be fun, other times it will be challenging - discipline is what we use to do the right thing the right way even when we don’t feel like it at the moment.
Their initial reason for joining lost its value - the only constant is change. Whether you realize it or not your initial purpose for joining martial arts might need some updating. As time goes on we mature, improve, and also become numb to routines - two of those are good, but combined with becoming numb to the routine we become complacent and stop growing. Time to establish a new reason / purpose for your training. This creates a deeper understanding and connection to the martial arts which translates into consistency, commitment, and achievement later in life.
Taking too much time off due to illness, injury, or vacation - set a return date and stick to it at all costs. Suit up and come to class even when recovering from injury. If you’re home for a few days between trips, come to whatever class you can in that time. It can take coming to a class or two to get back into a groove, but once you do, you’re there!
One day your child may say one of the statements below. We’ve listed what they usually mean and how we solve them.
“It’s too hard”: Usually this comes from not being used to the level of physical activity and challenges the martial arts offers. Come to class anyway. Some students take longer than others to acclimate to a new routine but with enough consistency they always do.
“I’m too tired”: They might feel intimidated due to more challenging material and haven’t yet built the confidence needed to conquer those challenges. Remind them consistency creates confidence! Maybe their pre-class activity didn’t frame their mind or body properly for class (i.e. screen time, sleeping,). Have your child be mildly active for about 10 - 15 minutes before coming to the Dojo to get their body in “go” mode and their brain alert to the world around them.
“It’s not fun anymore”: Often youth expect anything active to be pure play. When that expectation is not met because the nature of the program is more challenging and requires more maturity and patience we sometimes see a tendency to give up or lose patience. For many this point is where the martial arts actually begins to strengthen your child’s character. It’s important to keep your child in a learning mode, especially during seasonal school breaks. Sometimes certain skills will be harder to conquer than others. This is where persistency rewards those who follow through. This is how self-esteem, confidence, self-worth, discipline, perseverance, and self-control is learned. Simply by showing up and working through the temporary feeling.
“I want to take a break” (there’s no such thing): This really means “I want to quit” but we don’t want to admit it to ourselves or say it aloud. Breaks come with a specified amount of time and a plan to resume. In all our years teaching we’ve never seen that be the case. If someone’s true intention was to return after a break most often they wouldn’t need the break, because what it takes to return is the same thing it takes to continue without quitting. For many non-adult martial arts students the most dangerous time of year for motivation and consistency is June through September - that’s when we see the most drop-outs who never return to training. Toward the end of the school-year kids are thinking about Summer and dreading the remaining days of school. Then comes the loose structure of Summer or sometimes the overwhelming too-jam-packed schedule of activities during summer. Getting out of a routine kills any momentum we gain. Balance and consistency are key. As we approach back-to-school time from August to September structure and responsibility increase again. It takes a few weeks for them to adjust. You might notice lack-of-motivation, whining, listlessness, whining, crankiness, and whining. This is normal. The solution is simple, but not always easy - just keep going. Reestablish your reasons and goals and stay consistent. By the time October arrives your child will be back in the routine!
Don’t be afraid to “ruffle your child’s feathers” by directing them to do what you know is right and good for them. Part of a parent’s role is to encourage, remind, enlighten, educate, and guide children even when it’s tough. Your child will make a lot of friends in their life, but they will only have one set of parents, your role is significant and we are always here to help.
Setting realistic expectations
You’ve just enrolled your child into our program. Goals are not met overnight. Sometimes your child’s goals aren’t met until after months or years of consistent attendance to class and follow up and support from you. Be patient, supportive, encouraging, and most of all, communicative with your instructor. If you feel your expectations aren’t being met then address your concerns with us immediately. But remember, sometimes our expectations don’t align with reality. Your child is coming to us after seven to twelve years of already developing thoughts, behaviors, and habits. We are going to see them roughly 2.5 hours per week.
It’s normal to want to see improvement immediately but it’s not often realistic. Our goal is to create results through a process that takes time - you must trust the process. There is no one-time action / speech that reprograms behavior or thinking and provides magical cures to concerns overnight. Every student, no matter the age, will achieve their desired results if the following requirements are met:
…we (student, parent, instructor) begin our journey together with the right frame of mind and strive for a high standard of performance versus expecting a specific outcome. When we expect something and it doesn’t happen exactly as we envisioned our attitude can sour and performance can suffer. This is one reason why we don’t put focus on belt testing and students aren’t supposed to ask about their next test. It’s more effective to focus on the process and one day be unexpectedly presented with the opportunity to rank-up.
…parents keep their child’s training consistent year-round - we are not a seasonal activity. Progress and change is cumulative, not sudden. Every class you attend keeps adding to success.
…parents participate / get involved with the child’s training through spectating and discussions. Any concerns parents have must be addressed with your instructor. If we know, they can grow!
We will have influence over your child to some degree, but please remember we are an enhancement to your efforts as a parent and their teachers’ efforts in school. It takes a community to raise a child. Only together can we help them rise to a new level of personal performance!
The tips below will help your family make the most of your child’s training experience:
Encourage at home-practice - dont push, but set a consistent minimal practice time of 10m once or twice a week at the same time during the day if possible. Our private playlist of “At-Home” martial arts classes makes it easy to practice whenever and wherever you want!
Observe their classes often - when you support their effort and motivation, they’ll try harder.
Discourage consistent absences- consistency and commitment will be one of the best lessons your child learns.
Compliment their achievements- when you recognize their accomplishments, they are more inclined to continue accomplishing.
Help them set consistent goals- when they have a reason to strive forward the more they will gain.