Welcome to Little Leopards!
Little Leopards is an age-specific karate-influenced program that focuses on physical, social, and behavioral skill development while helping foster a healthy self image. Your child will learn valuable skills that can ensure a successful transition into a more traditional martial arts program and team / individual sports as they grow older with expanding interests. Our program introduces your child to their first martial arts experience in the most positive, fun, and encouraging way possible - classes are inspiring, educational, and safe!
You may recall from your initial studio tour when you enrolled that a child in our Little Leopard age group will advance through the "Soro" belt ranks. These are the White belts with a single colored stripe that runs along the entirety of the belt's middle. Soro is a Japanese word literally translated as "single" which perfectly describes our Little Leopard program's single focus - to provide your child with the most positive and productive initial karate experience possible.
Mind - Body - Spirit! Kicks and punches are the most identifiable traits of Martial Arts training, but there’s more. The mental element of Martial Arts teaches focus, attention, and concentration – present in every class. The physical part of Martial Arts teaches balance, coordination, strength, and agility – present in every class. The spirit of Martial Arts teaches self-esteem, positive attitude, belief, and a disciplined respectful attitude – present in every class. Combining these classical Martial Arts traits with our energetic curriculum provides the best results!
Class Outline
Group Class: Classes are 30 minutes in duration. This is the most productive amount of time that allows a child of this age group to learn, exercise, and enjoy their training without overwhelming them. Each class is broken into time-specific sections keeping the class progressing smoothly and productively.
Private lessons: Private lessons for this age group are 15 minutes in duration and segmented into 2 or 3 primary focal points. Private training is very effective in helping students improve in troubled areas more quickly to ensure maximum progress.
Progressing to the next level
There are 8 skill sets each student will continuously develop as they advance in rank: kicking, punching, blocking, crawling, hopping, rolling, running, and catching.
The 8 skill sets are taught individually so that a student training two times per week will work on all 8 skills over a course of four weeks.
Students must earn all 8 skill-stripes on their belt before they are eligible to test for the next belt. They will then be awarded a test invitation to join us for this exciting opportunity!
The testing cycle is roughly 11 weeks, give or take a week depending on studio schedule and calendar holidays. The skills are challenging and students of this age are also required to learn the names of specific movements, which may happen sooner or later than expected.
The Soro-belt rank colors are White, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown, Red, and Black.
When it’s time for your Little Leopard to test for their next rank they will be awarded an official test-invitation. The $35.00 test fee covers the cost of the belt, certificate, and instructional time. If your child is unable to successfully complete the test then they will attend a following test one time at no charge.
When your child completes the belt levels in this age group or if they “age out” before completing their Soro-belt levels, they will be eligible for Shiro-Yellow belt - the first Tiny Tiger (ages 5 & 6) color rank!
This is a HUGE moment for your entire family - DO NOT MISS YOUR TEST! Reflect on all the patience, consistency, commitment, focus, discipline, teamwork, and endurance it took to come this far, and that’s just from you the parents! Now think about how your child showed all those traits PLUS had to perform the physical actions while adhering to instructions in a fast-paced environment. WOW, THEY’RE YOU’RE AN AMAZING FAMILY! Prioritize your belt-test over all other activites - it will be worth it. We typically don’t offer make-up tests because:
Testing is an exciting group / team experience. To achieve something together with your peers all working toward the same goal with positive focused energy is a valuable lesson for individuals and makes the journey so much more enjoyable…
Studio events are planned at least 2 months in advance, so by the time a make-up could be scheduled its already close enough to the next test for students to wait.
In the past we’ve had scheduled make-up tests in addition to the “main” test date. As human nature does, testing times became options versus make-ups, creating another event to be scheduled…
Test-invites are typically awarded 3 weeks prior to the test. If your child has most or all of their stripes, has been consistent to class, and shows great attitude and self-control in class, then chances are they’ll be testing. You can also look on our STUDIO EVENTS calendar to see when the next test is scheduled (it can be subject to change - so check with your instructor)…
We realize sports games might be on the same day and time, but at the risk of sounding inconsiderate, choose martial arts. Your belt test is roughly every 11-12 weeks, games are weekly.
If two consecutive tests will be missed then private belt testing may be considered one time during their age-specific training program. Requirements: Private lesson pricing + cost of goods, a partner for technique application, and studio schedule availability.
Click here for a video tutorial for each stripe in every rank of your child’s program!
Click the button below to download the student requirement chart for this age group.
Parents, you’re an essential part of your child’s experience
Your role is just as important as the instructor’s because your child's martial arts progress starts with you. Be involved! Frame their mindset positively before class by asking them one thing they can do with their body to have a good class. Follow up with them after class by asking them one thing they enjoyed practicing in class. Ask simple questions like how many stripes they need to earn to move to the next belt, or what is the name of your martial arts studio / teacher. These get them engaged and show them you're interested in their journey! Here are a few examples and ideas of encouragement of how you as a parent support our community LEVEL 3 Martial Arts Performance:
ATTENDANCE: Consistent attendance is best for success! Your child may not yet be aware of the days of week or even the time of day but they feel consistency or lack thereof, they just don't identify it like we do. Consistency in attendance establishes a positive path of learning, and growth - it creates a normalcy and security. Our program will do its best work for your family when you attend consistently! It may sound harsh, but at this age if a child isn't earning stripes and progressing its most likely because they aren’t showing up consistently, not because they aren't capable.
ETIQUETTE: Keeping a clean and proper uniform helps your child feel connected to our group. They notice when they “look” like other kids. When they feel included or as part of a team they will look forward to coming to class even on “tired” days. The uniform is their super hero identity - suit them up for action so they look and feel their best! SHOP ONLINE FOR NEEDED SUPPLIES AND APPAREL: www.LEVEL3KARATE.com/SHOP
CODE OF CONDUCT: The L3MAP Code of Conduct hangs in the lobby near the Dojo entrance for all students, parents, and visitors to read. It describes how to behave in the Dojo when training and in the lobby when spectating. It also reminders students of proper image and etiquette. Two of the more important items we need parents’ help with are: 1) Help your child prepare for class by using the restroom before or upon arriving to the studio. But also stay present in case your child needs help using the restroom during class or for any other reason, and 2) We encourage you to socialize with other parents in our lobby but keep conversation noise down and electronic devices on mute.
LOBBY SAFETY: The lobby isn't a play area so please don't let children throw toys, climb on the seating, or do anything else that is disruptive to or unsafe for our classes or our visitors’ experience. You will be politely reminded of this if needed.
PARKING LOT SAFETY: Please park in a designated parking spot to drop off and pick up your child - DO NOT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DRIVE PATH LEAVING YOUR CAR UNATTENDED OR TO ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO WALK THROUGH THE LOT ALONE! We'd rather you be 5 minutes late, happy, and safe. Also, don’t park in front of the other businesses in our building unless also supporting those businesses. This helps us maintain an excellent relationship with our neighbors and maintains convenience for their customers.
Periodically we ask parents to join their children’s lessons to help foster respect and keep parents connected to their child’s progress. But you should participate with your child at home too! The bullet-point list below are skills you can practice at home to help your child perform at their best (hey, we also specialize in adult martial arts - parents get a free month and uniform. Ask us if we haven't asked you already). These two links are also amazing ways to get involved with your child at home throughout the week. Enjoy!
Members only - click here for our private YouTube playlist of over 6 months of previously taught classes. Perfect for extra training, family fun, or to use as a “make-up” class if you miss your in-person training.
Try these simple actions at home to start improving your child’s skills now!
KICKING: Rising the leg up to a "flamingo" (leg bent with knee at belly button level), then extending the leg straight.
PUNCHING: Start with hands next to the ribs or in front of the chest and have them straighten the arm with the intention of touching their fist to the palm of your hand.
BLOCKING: High block position - Raising the arm up overhead as if blocking the sun from your eyes.
CRAWLING: Bear crawls - start on your hands and feet and crawl in a straight line to a specific destination about 10-15 feet away.
HOPPING: Start with feet about shoulder width and have the student jump straight up with both feet leaving the ground at the same time.
ROLLING: Roll a ball across the room to a specific destination in a straight line or around you in a circle.
RUNNING: Have the student run toward you while keeping eyes straight forward and head up, then stopping on command so they don't bump into you.
CATCHING: Stand approximately five feet away from the student and toss a soft object like a rubber ball, small pillow, or bean bag to them.